Development Philosophy

This document sets guidelines for how we approach software development at Sentry. This is the result of more than 10 years of history of what worked for us, what did not work and how our understanding evolved. As new developers get acquainted with the codebase, having this context will be valuable to understand how to approach things.

This guidance only partially applies to SDKs, where slightly different rules prevail. For that, please refer to the SDK Philosophy and Design Principles document.

Beware of Fancy Code

We’re all engineers, we take pride in our creation. But we are not artists where the act of creation satisfies the observer. Our work is there to solve customer problems. The tidiest looking code does not win us any prizes. That means as we work towards solving problems, our way of thinking should be towards our ability to stay nimble while delivering a stable and high quality product. It can be challenging to make the right call between an abstraction and a duct-tape solution and you might need help with that call. Even the best developers will sometimes not make the right decision in that place so you should always consider getting someone else who is experienced for a second opinion, even if you have a senior engineering level yourself. Sometimes that second, non-influenced opinion is all that is needed to make the better decision.

Correctness can be a Trap

We always want to strive for correct solutions, but sometimes that correctness comes at a trap. The robustness principle (“be conservative in what you send, be liberal in what you accept”) is a good mental model in what the baseline of our engineering practices attempt to replicate, even for non protocol related code. We as developers are an integral part of the machine that we create in that we are the agents that implement the changes. We shape each other’s operational and engineering environment and that is an inherently messy process. Being “too correct” on something can burden us to the point where it inhibits future change or lowers our satisfaction as engineers, shipping changes.

Many tools that are really helpful, can be burdensome when applied incorrectly. A good example is typing in Python. We all love type systems, particularly the engineers at Sentry who are used to Rust and TypeScript will probably quite quickly fall into the “trap” of expecting the same experience in Python. Python is not a strongly typed language, and sometimes the desire to achieve a similar outcome has disastrous results in productivity at the cost of perceived correctness. But typing that does not provide value can have the opposite effect.

The balance is delicate and the balance changes with time. Sometimes tooling catches up and makes previously hard to achieve ideals more accessible, sometimes tooling degrades and what was previously viable stops being the correct choice. There is a world where typing in the code Sentry codebase will work out better, but until then don’t feel pressured into adding types to interfaces as part of your changes.

Embrace The Duct Tape

Duct tape is a great tool for trying new things and we should not be afraid to use it. Sometimes well applied duct tape can outlast the life of the feature, other times it's a great solution to help us explore what we actually want to build.

Foundation Building

You can't build an entire business on duct tape. The way you scale that idea is with strong foundation building. We're not afraid to commit to multi year engineering projects if it helps us strengthen our technological base. Take our symbolication pipeline as a good example here: you don't start out with building something like a custom symbolication service. The first version of Sentry's native support was forking out to llvm-symbolizer and talking via stdin/stdout. That's not how we do things today, but there is an alternative world where we would have discovered that more investment than that is not sensible. Now however we are committed and we have build a strong foundation on top of symbolicator which allows us to innovate quickly and add new things which we couldn't have built on top of llvm-symbolizer like il2cpp support or state of the art JavaScript sourcemap processing.

Build for Inclusion

Code that is overly clever is almost never appropriate. Sentry’s codebase is old, a lot of context has been lost over time and not everybody who has ever contributed is still in the company. There is a lot of code we have created over the years we felt really proud of. But time passed, and what remained of that feeling of accomplishment and pride often turned into confusion and an obstacle to refactoring. Try to write code to assume a version of yourself coming back after months on another project or a stressed version of yourself that under pressure of a critical incident tries to decipher what something was supposed to do.

Embrace the Shared Turf

There are teams that are rulers over their code base and that is more than acceptable. We have some critical services and changes should not land without the approval of those teams. However no team has the authority to create random processes to keep contributions out. Everybody at Sentry has the explicit permission to send a pull request against any other repository and the expectation is that the development environment that developers find is similar.

Make Yourself Uncomfortable

The codebase is your oyster, even if you are not part of it. If you want sentry-cli to do something different, send up a PR. Even if you don’t know the language or you are not part of the project. While we have code review barriers, we have no barriers to contributions. Ask for guidance, but don’t ask for permission to contribute.

Python, Rust and TypeScript

Those are our languages, you will find some other languages in our code. If you start from scratch, maybe those are not the languages you will choose. But those are the languages we have, and we have experience with. Those are also the languages we have infrastructure for, and those are the languages we know when to use and crucially, when not to use. There might be more in the future, who knows.

Those languages were chosen when the company was in a certain spot, at a certain size, with certain types of problems. These languages are not perfect by any means but they serve us well, we have experience with them and know how to use them. The more we introduce, the more complexities we get in the process.

Sentry is a multi language company due to our SDKs and as a result you will find almost everything at Sentry from Objective-C, to Kotlin, to Elixir or Perl. If it tickles your fancy, maybe you want to contribute improvements there to try something new.

Databases and State

We have traditionally avoided depending on proprietary databases. Part of this is that we’re an Open Source company, so using Open Source data stores comes naturally, but another reason is that we do not want a dependence on a service we cannot build ourselves out of. We do intentionally use BigTable as a replacement for Riak that we used before, but that’s also because we can trivially switch off within 90 days to another solution if we have to.

While we are regularly re-evaluating our choices of databases, we do not want to use more than what we have. We know how to operate and scale what we have and that sets an upper bound to the complexity of what we want to ship to production today.

Dependencies Cost

Dependencies come with a cost and that cost is high. Every dependency we use increases the surface area of our system, adds more licensing, maintenance and security concerns. We understand that dependencies are necessary for modern software development but they carry costs. These costs are the limited ability to influence what’s happening inside, the cost of potential upgrades, the risks a dependency carries if the developer behind it decides to change their mind.

See also Micropackages and Open Source Trust Scaling

We obviously can’t get rid of dependencies, so we believe that our default position about a dependency should be not to upgrade. There are obvious exceptions to this, but in general we encourage developers to rather stay with older versions of a library than to go to the bleeding edge. That does not mean we don’t upgrade, but we recognize that this comes at a cost and needs to be considered.

For SDKs we are even stricter. For that, please refer to the SDK Philosophy and Design Principles document.

Branches and Pull Requests

We have a very simple branching model: there is a mainline branch (master or main depending on the repository) and there is feature development happening on feature branches. There is one rule and that’s the most important rule of them all: mainline stays green. Any commit that ends up on the mainline will be deployed.

Bring your Own CI

We are not a company where teams outsource their tooling to others. We have a developer productivity team that can assist with getting tooling up to speed, but every team is responsible for their own productivity. That means that CI is fundamentally the responsibility of everyone who commits to a repository regularly.

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